All timeline stories.

Regulator and Utility Support for DG in selected Sub-Saharan Countries

The program effort will result in development of clean and renewable energy sources and greater access to energy in targeted African countries, which will contribute to development of local businesses and communities. It will also contribute to access to cleaner and healthier environment and mitigation of climate change.

‘Supporting Sustainable Energy in South African Municipalities’ Programme

The 3-year Supporting Sustainable Energy in South African Municipalities Programme (SSESAM) is being implemented by Sustainable Energy Africa NPC (SEA) and funded through the South African German Energy Programme (SAGEN). A key component of SSESAM involves capacitating municipalities to respond pro-actively to the many challenges of the energy transition taking place, including the growth of

Reinvigorating the urban energy poverty dialogue

Energy poverty has always been at the core of SEA’s work, particularly in the area of sustainable housing and energy services development. SEA has researched key elements of urban energy poverty, and incorporates pro-poor measures into its city and national service delivery frameworks.

Building capacity and developing strategies

SEA’s Sustainable Energy for Environment and Development (SEED) Programme gained momentum as the first nationwide urban energy learning network and capacity building programme. It deployed and supported energy advisors within several cities, several of whom now hold key government positions.

SEA is formed

Sustainable Energy Africa (SEA) was established as a non-profit organisation. The energy-intensive urban areas were identified as a strategic focus of the new organisation because of their importance in addressing development and climate-related energy issues.

The Early Years

The Energy Development Group (EDG) – forerunner to SEA – was set up in 1993 and provided input into the energy arena in the early years by bringing issues of development, poverty and alternative energy into the picture.

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