Integrated urban planning is central to a low-carbon future. Currently our urban areas are generally very low in density and difficult to service with decent public transport, and as such are very energy inefficient by international standards. Integrated planning involves bringing transport and land use planning together with appropriate densification and mixed-use zoning to reduce transport distances and needs.
Alongside this, South Africa’s electric vehicle transition is accelerating. The country will need to transition in step with international markets to maintain the more than 100,000 jobs in the sector that are at stake. Local municipalities, particularly the metros, are at the coal-face of the transition impacts, and face significant risks and opportunities that demand locally-appropriate responses.
75 %
of South Africans use public transport
1000 ev’S
Less than 1% of vehicles on South African roads are electric.
60 %
of a typical South African city’s energy is consumed by cars & trucks
Our Work in Action
Under this theme, SEA has focused on low carbon modelling for cities, including integrating city transport plans that support a low carbon future. SEA has also provided expert input into city and regional spatial planning development, as well as supporting municipalities on the transition to efficient electric vehicles.
Active Projects
Past Projects
City of Johannesburg Electric Vehicle Readiness Support Programme
The project supported the implementation of the ‘electrification of passenger vehicles’ and ‘decarbonising the grid’ work streams of the City of Joburg’s Climate Action Plan. SEA's primary goal in this project was to build the capacity of City officials in order to be EV ready.