Promoting equitable, low carbon, clean energy development in urban South Africa and Africa


Our Mission

Sustainable Energy Africa promotes equitable, low carbon, clean energy development in urban South Africa and Africa. Through our work we promote energy efficiency, the transition to more sustainable energies such as solar and wind power and access to safe and affordable energy services for all. We do this through research, capacity building, policy engagement and information dissemination.

Latest Insights

  • Training Initiatives Are Empowering Women in the Energy Sector

    Creating gender-inclusive workplaces should be a top priority for all organizations. This commitment must span all levels, focusing on providing equal access to opportunities, promoting female representation, and recognizing the contributions of women in the sector.

  • Embedding EG in Municipal Billing Systems

    This guide assists municipalities to integrate EG export tariffs and wheeling transactions into their billing systems.

  • Get the Latest Insights: Embedded Generation Reaches 2GW Mark

    SALGA’s Status of Embedded Generation (EG) report gives a thorough overview of key regulatory frameworks relevant to EG.

Recent Projects

  • Municipal Wheeling Revenue Impact Assessment

    SEA's role in this project was to develop models to evaluate the impact of wheeling on municipal revenue as well as the wider socio-economic impacts of wheeling on local economies.

  • Cape Town Energy Scenarios

    SEA's role in this project is assisting in developing long-term electricity scenarios to test the City of Cape Town's draft Energy Strategy and utility business model, to inform City responses on safeguarding municipal financial sustainability.

  • City of Johannesburg Climate Action Plan Implementation Tracking

    SEA's role in this project is supporting the City of Johannesburg (CoJ) in monitoring and enabling climate action by citizens, and local businesses and organisations, through data systems set-up, stakeholder engagement, and through catalysing action in big-impact areas such as energy efficiency in buildings, grid decarbonisation and climate resilience.